
How Now Brown Cow – BW 1831 ~ Reproduction Sampler Pattern by Hands Across the Sea Samplers

How Now Brown Cow – BW 1831 is rated as suitable for a beginner. With a stitch count of 254 stitches (w) x 273 stitches (h) the sampler is stitched with cross stitch over 2 and the verse over 1.

Thread Legend

The sampler has been charted with Au Ver à Soie d’Alger silks and the skein quantities calculated based on 1 strand on 36ct fabric. We have provided a DMC conversion based on 2 strands on 36ct fabric. The model was stitched on 40ct Lakeside Linen Vintage Meadow Rue.

The sampler is stitched with cross stitch over 2 and the verse over 1 and has been rated as suitable for beginners.

Soie d’Alger / DMC

943 x 1  / 321 x 1 – Christmas red

3833 x 1 / 371 x 1 – Mustard

2236 x 1 / 420 x 1 – Hazel nut brown – dark

3812 x 1 / 422 x 1 – Hazel nut brown – light

2246 x 1 / 434 x 1 – Brown – light

1026 x 1 / 498 x 1 – Christmas red – dark

1844 x 1 / 501 x 1 – Blue green – dark

3835 x 1 / 610 x 1 – Drab brown – dark

3846 x 1 / 645 x 1 – Beaver grey – very dark

2522 x 1 / 677 x 1 – Old gold- very light

F10 x 1 / 712 x 1 – Cream

2145 x 3 / 730 x 4 -Olive green – very dark

4113 x 1 / 841 x 1 – Beige brown –light

615 x 1 / 921 x 1 – Copper

1713  x 1 /932 x 1 – Antique blue – light

516 x 1 / 937 x 1 – Avocado green – medium


The design area is 254 stitches (w) x 273 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3” margin for finishing and framing.

30ct – Design: 16.93″ x 18.2″ Fabric: 22.93″ x 24.2″

32ct – Design: 15.88″ x 17.06″ Fabric: 21.88″ x 23.06″

36ct – Design: 14.11″ x 15.17″ Fabric: 20.11″ x 21.17″

40ct – Design: 12.7″ x 13.65″ Fabric: 18.7″ x 19.65″