
I Had a Father Kind and True Alice Clark 1844 – Reproduction Sampler

The stitcher was 14 years old when she created this sampler.

Stitched on 46 count Old Sheep by XJU Designs

Stitch count: 491 x 486

Au Ver a Soie 100/3 silks (DMC conversion in brackets)

531 (935)

536 (221)

Creme (Ecru)

142 (677)

565 (522)

156 (437)

072 (598)

060 (152)

508 (898)

621 (927)

211 (739)

188 (844)

328 (3013)

196 ( 642)

329 (734)

664 x 2 (321 x 3)

580 x 2 (3012 x 3)

523 x 2 (3831 x 3)