
Weeks Dye Works Stranded Cotton (A-E) Supply

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Weeks Dye Works Stranded Cotton (A-E)

We carry the full range of the Weeks Dye Works Stranded Cottons (Floss), as listed below.  Each skein is 5 yards in length.

All of our products use dyes that are environmentally friendly and made in America.

We list these threads alphabetically

Please note that the old name of the colour Confederate Grey #1173 is now listed as Grey with the same number and is now under the F-M

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Absinthe 2204, Adobe 2256, Amber 1224, Americana 1307, Amethyst 2020, Angel Hair 1109, Apple Pucker 2202a (new for 2023), Arrowhead 1105, Artichoke 1183, Autumn Leaves 2234, Aqua 2131, Aztec Red 2258, Baked Apple 1330, Banana Pudding 1112, Bark 1271, Basil 1291, Battleship 2108, Bayberry 2166, Bees Knees 1223a, Begonia 2263, Beige 1106, Blackboard 1295, Blaze 2235, Blue Bonnet 2339, Blue Heron 1155, Blue Jeans 2107, Blue Spruce 1276, Blue Suede 2107a, Blue Topaz 2118, Bordeaux 1339, Boysenberry 1343, Brick 1331, Bright Leaf 1227, Broomtree 1194, Bubble Gum 2275a, Bullfrog 2202, Busy Lizzie 2272, Butter Bean 1189, Cadet 1284, Camellia 2276, Candy Apple 2268a, Cantaloupe 2243, Caper 1266, Cappucino 1238, Capri 2120, Caribbean 2136, Carolina Cecil 2239a, Carnation 1136, Carrot 2226, Cattail 1107, Cayenne 2259, Celadon 1261, Chablis 1139, Charcoal 1303, Charlotte's Pink 2282, Chartreuse 2203, Cherub 1134, Chestnut 1269, Chia 1300a (new for 2023), Chickpea 1229, Chrysanthemum 2241, Cinnabar 2254, Cinnamon Twist 1228a, Citronella 2210, Clockwork 2230, Cocoa 1233, Cognac 2242, Collards 1277, Conch 1133, Concord 1318, Copper 2236, Cornsilk 1123, Cranberry Ice 1323, Crepe Myrtle 2275, Curry 2220, Cypress 2153, Daffodil 1119, Dahlia 2293, Daylily 2227, Deep Sea 2104, Dirt Road 1240, Dolphin 1296, Dove 1171, Dried Sage 1191, Driftwood 1222, Dutch Iris 2342, Eggplant 1317, Emerald 2171, Emma's Pink 2280, Envy 2173