MH 1656 – Reproduction Sampler Pattern by Hands Across the Sea Samplers For Cheap
- Description
MH 1656 – Reproduction Sampler Pattern by Hands Across the Sea Samplers
Hands Across the Sea Samplers are proud to present to you, a beautiful reversible band sampler from the private collection of Nicola Parkman. The sampler was a gift from Nicola’s husband who knows his wife well and that antique needlework, and in particular band samplers, are his “girl’s best friend”!
The 1600’s is regarded as the golden age of band sampler making, and the sampler that MH finished nearly 400 years ago on May 23rd, 1656 is one of those very special pieces. She is a beautiful example of reverse stitching.
Thread Legend
This beautiful reversible band sampler has been reproduced with Au Ver à Soie d’Alger silks based on the vibrant colours found on the reverse of the sampler today. The skein quantities have been calculated based on 1 strand on 46ct fabric. We have included a DMC conversion and a conversion for 100/3 as an extra option for those stitchers using higher count linens. Additionally, we have provided below floss usage by the inch. We have not specified a particular brand or colour of linen. However, the original sampler was executed on uneven linen that is closest in colour to the DMC shades 3045/167. The original sampler is approximately 5.25” x 36”.
Soie d’Alger / 100.3 / DMC
F07 / 080 / 746 x 1 407 inches Off white
3932 / 088 / 3770 x 1 238 inches Tawny – very light
2632 / 323 / 3771 x 1 204 inches Terra cotta – ultra very light
2633 / 093 / 3778 x 1 373 inches Terra cotta – light
921 / 134 / 3824 x 1 30 inches Apricot – light
922 / 344 / 352 x 1 82 inches Coral – light
2625 / 682 / 920 x 1 378 inches Copper – medium
945 / 499 / 816 x 1 39 inches Garnet
2523 / 281 / 307 x 1 223 inches Lemon
2543 / 149 / 744 x 1 93 inches Lemon – pale
4245 / 492 / 680 x 1 48 inches Old gold – dark
4525 / 702 / 167 x 1 6 inches Yellow beige – very dark
2224 / 022 / 733 x 1 142 inches Olive green – medium
2134 / 647 / 3346 x 1 1052 inches Hunter green
1826 / 549 / 561 x 1 38 inches Jade – very dark
3721 / 465 / 369 x 1 15 inches Pistachio green – very light
3724 / 707 / 3363 x 1 315 inches Pine green – medium
1811 / 621 / 928 x 1 33 inches Grey green – very light
5382 / 002 / 927 x 1 221 inches Grey green – light
1744 / 605 / 597 x 1 246 inches Turquoise
1444 / 646 / 3760 x 1 172 inches Wedgewood
1446 / 313 / 311 x 1 165 inches Navy blue – medium
The design/graphed area (2 threads per square) is 130 (w) x 929 (h). Our calculations have included a 3” margin for finishing and framing.
32ct – Design: 8.13″ x 58.06″ Fabric: 14.13″ x 64.06″
36ct – Design: 7.22″ x 51.61″ Fabric: 13.22″ x 57.61″
40ct – Design: 6.5″ x 46.45″ Fabric: 12.5″ x 52.45″
46ct – Design: 5.65″ x 40.39″ Fabric: 11.65″ x 46.39″